"... Man, it seems to me, is far from “living in accord with nature” despite the frequent verbiage to the contrary. Man does not follow the ancient greek proverb “metron ariston”, i.e. the best way is middle way. Our uncontrolled thirst for wealth and power leads eventually to pressing situations, as well as to underestimating both nature’s overwhelming forces and humanity’s need for safety and well-being. Examples range from the (economic) crisis of 2008 to building nuclear power stations, let alone in tsunami-prone areas. Nations need to make efforts toward developing agreements on mutually controlling to sustainable for man levels the endless competition for more and more wealth, as had been the case in the past with the disarmament pact between the then two superpowers. Only through such a procedure living closer with nature could become meaningful, and man possibly happier and most probably safer."
Βλ. ολόκληρο το σχετικό άρθρο (editorial) του Καθ. Κ. Μέμου.